Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What do I remember?

NaBloPoMo daily prompt: What is your first memory?

Oh geez, who comes up with these prompts?  I had better ones for 7th and 8th graders when they did bell ringers each day.  (Granted I found them fun – they usually just ignored them or said “I don’t get it.”)

But I digress.  The first thing I clearly remember was being at Cedar Point or King’s Island or the zoo or some place like that.  I was walking with my mother but the sun was in my eyes and I reached out to a lady in front of me instead of to my mother who was beside me.  Odd thing is, consciously I knew the lady wasn’t my mother in front of me, but I reached for her anyway.  Weird, yes.  Poignant moment in my life?  Not really.

Anyway, so I’ve been looking at National Novel Writing Month after it was on BBC Breakfast.  I’ve seen this online for as long as I’ve had Twitter but never bothered.   Now that I have a project to work on, it may be a very good way to get some decent work in.  It’s the schedule I have a hard time with – if I go out for the day, do my thing, come home and start messing around off the computer, I won’t get anything done.  If I stay home and keep my booty at the desk, I get some things accomplished. 

I have to keep from turning the Xbox on and playing Sims 3 too.

NaNoWriMo is a contest that you enter and it says that we have to post excerpts of what we’ve written each day to keep an accurate word count (the aim is for 50,000 words by the end of November.)  But I’ve been told (thank you, Twitter) that no one reads those excerpts and they aren’t required if you write your word count in the form each day.  So, it’s not a bad opportunity.  People have done it for years.  Heck, even Water for Elephants was written for NaNoWriMo.

Wow, 200,000 people participated in this last year.  The recession sure has spawned a lot of indie writers.

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